The unseen benefits of on site training
We've been carrying out a series of training sessions on basic passive fire awareness with builders who want their on site team to have a better understanding of what passive fire certifiers are looking for to certify the fire walls and ceilings, and penetrations. The sessions have provoked much discussion, questions and fun banter from the construction manager through to the on site tradies.
It’s all about reducing risk, and it’s for the seemingly small, every day on site issues that our team are finding all too common. Better to spend a few minutes to fix a wall correctly now, than thousands after the tiles have gone on and the fixtures are all in. Better to have the penetrations sealing covered off on as done, better to resolve any building certifier knockback and find a solution before it has been built, rather than on handover day!
The sessions cover off quickly on the basics but spend more time on the why things are done the way they are….like how a fire actually moves through collars/penetrations, what it does to PVC pipes and plasterboard, the need for and correct use of site specific installation manuals, checklists (ITP), labeling and penetration registers making O & M much easier.
We view videos that show how fire takes hold (flashover) now 8x faster than what it was decades ago due to the products and chemicals that are used today in buildings, furniture, plastics, floor coverings etc.
Interestingly, the feedback on benefits from having a 3rd party passive certifier on site included the ‘soft stuff’ – more co-operation and cohesiveness with site teams and sub trades, improvement in sequencing and programs. Then there’s the pressure relief and the confidence that it will all be right at the end. Not to mention the pride of a job well done. (Ok that may be too soft!)
We can certainly talk with you about doing the same for your team or specifically your next project.