Passive Fire protection cracks AFR Fast Starters 100 list

Brisbane based start-up Plus Systems (Plus Passive Fire), is the only exclusively passive fire protection company to make the  Australian Financial Review’s Fast Starters list.

Having grown 27% in the last financial year increasing revenue to $1.76m, that makes Plus one of the fastest growing new businesses in Australia.

The Australian Financial reviews fast starter list requires business that commenced trading on or after July 1, 2014, to provide at least two years of turnover data, with a minimum of $500,000 in the second-most-recent reporting period (2016-2017).

Aside from the inclusion of Plus, the 2018 list has shown a distinct rise in QLD business, featuring 16 in comparison with the 10 in 2017. What’s more of the 16, 4 fellow QLD construction businesses are on the list, most notably Niclin Construction ranked number 1.

For the Plus team, being ranked amongst these other fast starters not only gives us deserved recognition but assists in achieving our mission of spreading passive fire awareness to increase community safety.  

Founded in February 2016 by Peter Blain and Gina Patrick, the co-directors determined that operating a passive fire consultancy presented a significant opportunity to make a positive difference in the construction industry by working towards this mission. 

Passive fire protection is installed to contain the spread of fire and smoke for sufficient time to permit the safe evacuation of occupants and assist egress for Fire and emergency rescuers.  It involves components of a building’s construction – walls, ceilings, and any penetrations through building elements.

They credit the rapid growth to their constant focus on innovation within the company, and for the industry as a whole, a dedication to team and client education, clear goals, and the varying industry backgrounds of the directors helping to maintain a fresh perspective.

Despite the distinct lack of significant training within the industry, by investing in their people and encouraging a cohesive, knowledgeable team they will get the best results through formal and informal training.

Of their 12 full time employees, 60% are currently undertaking formal training. 

Working as a team has not only allowed our team members to gain new perspectives and have their knowledge gaps filled but learn to work more cohesively together.” She said.

We provide training on-site or in our offices, for our clients regarding passive fire issues that are commonly found in the field and awareness of what to look out for, allowing our clients and team to have more confidence when facing passive fire challenges.

Sentiments that have been echoed by Tom Dooley, Director of Tom Dooley Developments, “The Plus team were proactive in their consulting and certifying role and worked in seamlessly with Tom Dooley Developments and its trade contractors” 

Plus Systems will continue to focus on providing innovation and education to improve building standards for better community protection.

If you’d like more information, or to see how the Plus team can benefit your next project call 1800 PASSIVE

Click to see all of the 2018 Fast Starters


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Three degrees of passive fire.